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Saturday, October 31, 2009


Sooo lets just get it out… TINY HOUSE TAKES UP ALL OF MY TIME! But I have to say that I love it. It’s hard but it will be so worth it to see everything that I (and my classmates) have accomplished this semester.

For the most part all I have done these last few weeks is worked on tiny house, but there have been a few highlights. One, I dodged the Swine flu (I think). Two, President Eyring and Elder Ballard (and others of course) came to Utah State and spoke to us at regional Conference. They are so cute and the spirit felt was amazing… It’s ironic because, conference was held in the Spectrum (Utah State’s Basketball stadium) which is not known for its reverence, but you can’t deny that there was a strong spirit there. Three…

All weekend I helped set up the Interior Design Study Abroad Exhibit. It took a lot of hard work and a lot of time, but the end result was wonderful. It looked incredible and it was fun to show off all of our hard work over the summer. I’m not gonna lie though… it made me semi heart sick because I want to go back so bad. Someday I will. Last night was the reception, where all the Interior Design students were required to go and participate. It was fun to hear everyone’s reactions to our work. Not to sound prideful but, WE ARE AWESOME. There are some very talented people in my major.

Well its back to more late nights of tiny house floor plans, elevations and models. Stay tuned.