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Friday, August 13, 2010

Gardner Village

Hey ya’ll Barbie Jean is back and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I have missed her all summer while she moved back home to Texas. It’s kind of funny to hear her stories because they are very similar to mine. Sorry to say that not all of them have been happy, but it’s good to know that we have been through the same things so we don’t feel like we are alone. This past week she and her family invited me to go with them to Gardner Village for a little bit of fun. Barb and I did what we do best…Pictures… You may think we are conceded (and we are), but really we just love pictures. It was a fabulous day and I just love her. So glad that she is back.

ps what do you think of the new bangs?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pioneer Day Party

Every year for the 24th of July, my family and the Wagstaff’s put on a huge party to celebrate the day the pioneers came to Utah. This year was no different. Tracy rented machines from work (the p.l.), so once again there was snow cones, cotton candy, and pop corn. The water fight was epic this year. There were a ton of people and somehow I escaped getting soaked, but you don’t hear me complaining. Later that night we had a fantastic BBQ which is always a favorite. Something new that apparently started last year while I was in Europe, was a dance party. It was all super fun… good to be home and to see old friends.

 Filling up water Balloons

 Maren and Teegan got a brand new baby sister, 
this weekend so they came to play with us 
while mommy and daddy went to the hospital.

 Silly - but I had no idea water balloons could weigh so much

 To keep the kids away from the water 
balloons before the party started 
we turned on the sprinklers... 
they didnt seem to mind much.

 Snow Cone Machine : Grape, Tigers Blood, or Peach
Cotton Candy and Popcorn

 I think they each had at least 3 snow cones. 

 Epic Water Fight

 Lots of Good Friends

BBQ and Dance Party

Glow stick Rave

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Leelou Swag

I love following creative peoples blogs! Leelou has to be one of my favorites. Check it out here! You might just love what you fact I know you will. As part of her blog she has a fabulous "side blog" where she has awesome giveaways

This weeks giveaway is from Lisa Leonard. Go enter this fabulous give away... all you have to do is visit here the post (why wouldn't you)... and follow the directions. Its that simple.

My choice would have to be the illuminate necklace

Doesn't it just scream Interior Design? Even if I don't win this giveaway, I must have this necklace and never you fear... I will own it soon! 

For more of Lisa's wonderful jewelry designs visit her website.
Love, love, love.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I really, really, really want…





a fabulous crepe




A big piece of chocolate cake


a chicken skillet.

Basically I’m just hungry and I have no food…
Oh well Ramen it is.